
Monday, May 16, 2011

Progress Report Update

This is the first progress update for the game.  I'll post these monthly, or unless something significant happens.  You can also always find the current progress report to the right.

Player's Handbook [11.9%]
Background Fluff - [30%]
Airbenders - [10%]
Earthbenders - [5%]
Firebenders - [20%]
Waterbenders - [25%]
Skills - [0%]
Feats - [0%]
Equipment - [0]%

The first book is the Player's Handbook (as you can see).  This will allow the use of bender characters in either a stand-alone Avatar game or standard D&D 4e. (Firebenders?! With my paladin?! NO WAI!)  As each class nears completion, I'll begin posting download links for the playtesters.

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